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Interior design

home, living room, bedrooms, bathrooms


Interior design

living room


Meeting room 


Kitchen and terrace


Stair design,

historic house,

Redhill, London

Pentru a avea parte de o locuinta confortabila si adaptata pe deplin nevoilor tale actuale, biroul nostru iti vine in ajutor cu servicii de design interior, menite sa aduca un plus de personalitate spatiului tau privat. Intr-o lume monotona si mereu intr-o cursa contratimp, ai nevoie de viziune pentru a putea oferi locuintei tale o imagine iesita din tipare. De ce? Pentru ca suntem unici, lucru care nu se vede doar prin noi insine, ci si prin modul in care este amenajat spatiul in care locuim. Atentia la detalii este cea care face diferenta dintre un spatiu anost si unul care poate fi numit pe deplin “acasa”. Upstudioproject este un birou de arhitectura moderna, ce are in componenta sa o echipa tanara, cu vasta experienta in domeniu, pregatita sa raspunda oricaror provocari in materie de design interior.

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Small house projects without a floor

Although, when we think of a house, we think of at least one floor, the truth is that, at Upstudioproject, we receive many projects of small houses without a floor. The reasons are many: first of all, financial, because the costs of a single-level home are, logically, lower than that of a larger house or a multi-storey villa. Secondly, the decision must take into account the number of tenants who will occupy the house, not so much now, but also in the medium and long term. For example, if you are single or in a couple, you need to consider the possibility of forming a family in the more or less near future. 

At the same time, you have to admit that the models of small houses without a floor are more visually appealing, more practical and more economical, all these being other reasons to give up the idea of adding extra levels.

Small house projects without a floor

Although, when we think of a house, we think of at least one floor, the truth is that, at Upstudioproject, we receive many projects of small houses without a floor. The reasons are many: first of all, financial, because the costs of a single-level home are, logically, lower than that of a larger house or a multi-storey villa. Secondly, the decision must take into account the number of tenants who will occupy the house, not so much now, but also in the medium and long term. For example, if you are single or in a couple, you need to consider the possibility of forming a family in the more or less near future. 

At the same time, you have to admit that the models of small houses without a floor are more visually appealing, more practical and more economical, all these being other reasons to give up the idea of adding extra levels.

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Ne plac provocarile si ne dorim ca visul tau sa devina unul palpabil cat mai curand, astfel ca  ne vom ocupa cu multa atentie si dedicare de fiecare etapa a proiectului tau de suflet. Totul incepe cu o idee creativa si o schita, insa pentru ca proiectul tau sa prinda contur, vei avea nevoie de experti cu viziune, care sa iti inteleaga pe deplin exigentele. Ne recomanda experienta si profesionalimul, de aceea suntem increzatori ca rezultatul final va corespunde in totalitate asteptarilor tale.

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