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up studio project

Less can be enough

Less can be enough

Architect's office

Everyone wants to have their own home. Whether it's a house or an apartment, each of us wants to live in a place we can call our own. There we can find peace, we can relax, we can rest and we can spend unique moments.

To have a home means to have a refuge, a safe and comfortable place, a place that we can arrange to our liking. And if you dream of having your own home, you need an experienced architect to turn your dream into reality. He will draw up an architectural project, respecting your requirements, but also those specified in the construction laws, and the result will be the house of your dreams!​

Upstudioproject is the architecture firm that can manage every phase of the project, our architects even taking care of obtaining all the approvals that are necessary for the project to be authorized. When you need an architectural office that you can rely on regardless of the plans you have in mind and the difficulty of the construction you want to make, you can choose Upstudioproject!

Totul incepe de la o schita


Atunci cand faci demersuri pentru a avea casa visurilor tale asigurate ca toate elementele se contureaza perfect. 



We are available to travel on site, so when you need the services of an architect, all you have to do is contact us. Upstudioproject specialists are at your disposal for any question and they want to create the home you really want. Turn to a design office with complex architectural services and you will be able to have the construction you have been thinking about for a long time!

Do you dream of a house with a splendid garden, a swimming pool or a modern irrigation, drainage and courtyard lighting system? Then you've probably been looking for a landscaping company to turn your home into a real story!

To enjoy a dream setting, hire a landscape architect from our office of architects. Upstudioproject specialists can also offer you top services when it comes to garden design. They will do their best to make the end result as you imagined.

Therefore, if you need an experienced architecture office, contact us! Our architects will make sure that your wishes are fulfilled!



Rolul unui arhitect

If you need architectural services, Upstudioproject is at your disposal! This architecture office has four main work areas in Romania (Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Alba-Iulia) and a vast experience in the field. We have done projects for houses, residential, industrial, public or building restoration and we are the perfect choice when you need an interior design company. Our specialists can take care of the arrangement of the whole house, so that each piece can be harmoniously combined. When you try to have the house of your dreams, you not only want it to be built, but you want every decoration element to be in its place.

Ce este indicat sa alegi in Cluj-Napoca, un arhitect sau un birou de arhitectura?


 Arhitect Cluj-Napoca: Avantajul colaborarii cu un arhitect din Cluj-Napoca, reiese prin faptul ca exista sansa de a obtine un cost total ceva mai redus, insa acest lucru nu este intotdeauna o regula. In acest caz insa, trebuie sa tii cont ca la mijloc este vorba despre o singura persoana, astfel ca viziunea asupra proiectului tau poate fi una mai putin ampla, avantaj de care te vei putea insa bucura din plin prin colaborarea cu un birou de arhitectura din Cluj-Napoca.


 Birou Arhitectura Cluj-Napoca: Chiar daca colaborarea cu un birou de arhitectura din Cluj-Napoca poate parea o solutie mai costisitoare decat aceea in care se colaboreaza exclusiv cu un singur arhitect, o astfel de alternativa are multiple avantaje. Cel mai important avantaj al colaborarii cu un birou de arhitectura din Cluj-Napoca este acela ca proiectul tau va trece prin mult mai multe “filtre” si vizuni diferite, astfel ca planul de constructie final va fi unul cu adevarat spectaculos. La Up Studio Project lucram ca o echipa pentru a ne asigura ca bifam cu succes fiecare etapa a proiectului tau de constructie.

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